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Scenic Smut!

Another year another trip to the verdant mountains and sandy dunes of costal Oregon, and YOU can get in on the Nature Nudes of it all! As always, you can special request customs before the trip, or buy into the Polaroid Party for MOVING TANGIBLE SNAPS! Any contribution gets a thank you, but you know, let's make a special little plan!

Thanks so much for helping me grab a little joy in my sad little paws!

Bathing Bunny

I can't wait to get back to my secret little spot to spend a day Naked in Nature, join me at my favorite waterfall ring when you contribute to the fund!

If you'd like a ~thank you~ email me first and I can run through your options, there's a few!


neat treats!

If you like to give gifts over funds, HERE is a list of tools to help me manage this weird lil bod!


And HERE are some treats guaranteed to make me giggle with joy!

Be sure to include a gift note, OR send me a DM or email!

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